Wednesday 31 July 2013

Users Guide to Accomplish Feat among Teammates

In today’s competitive scenario, everyone is focused on success and fame. Nevertheless, the success drive could sometimes deter the progress and imply negative impression on our future career prospects. We, therefore bring you an in-depth and comprehensive research to ways promoting healthy and sure- shot progress. The first and the foremost thing that employees need to focus on is a healthy winning instinct, primarily focused on your all-round development. 


A special mention need to be made in here for those who aspire to trudge on others and follow the rule of “by hook or by crook.” Furthermore, team spirit is crucial for a success oriented action. Becoming a team player who meshes well with his team and reporting manager, helps in earning credibility and friends for future support.  

Criticizing your opponent could further peter out your chances of losing out on most sought after edge on your competitors. Humility, emotional stability, integrity, together, brings in appreciation and respect from co-workers and warrant victory to its followers.

Friday 26 July 2013

Reasons - Why You Were Rejected in Interview

Today’s world is highly competitive. The number of job seekers compared to the job profiles are surplus. In case, one is called up for an interview and the interaction with the prospective employer is not open and honest, the prospects for success are already at disadvantage. Being rude to your recruiter is indefensible, but usually the other key deterrents why employers don’t respond to your queries or provide you with desired feedback could be attributed to an ineffective and blunt resume. We, therefore, bring you an in-depth and comprehensive guide listing those four things that your recruiter will never let you know about your rejection cause. 

Job Rejection

1. First judgments

Recruiters are generally not viewed negatively by others when compared to a similarly paid profession, in lieu of a precious piece of a job search puzzle. It may sound harsh and dismal to note that good and experienced recruiters could make out from a quick scan whether or not they can help you with any of the available positions. Another petty reason for rejection could be a dearth of roles suiting your qualification or skill sets. Consequently, these so called smart recruiters will put your resume aside until they could assist you with your profile. 

Not only this, trivial details or irrelevant stuff could further deter your chances of being called up again. In many cases, when you don’t hear back from recruiter, you are left wondering why. the answer lies in the “burn and churn” nature of the industry , whereby HRs pick up the creamy and most eligible candidates , leaving little behind for the less privileged and not as much qualified ones. 

2. Illusory job postings

The practice of posting fake vacancies on job portals is unethical and unprincipled, but the unbuttered truth is it does happen and is a famous practice among organizations striving to entice applicants to show up to their clients. 

3. Exaggerating strengths/qualities

During recession that hit the leading economies worldwide, a large plethora of fresh graduates resorted to adorning their resumes with extra details of their skill sets and qualifications. It marks a bad impression on recruiters and the resume looks extra embellished and impractical.

4. Recruiters selling to the wrong person

Another confusing situation arises when you receive a call for personal interview. You score well in it and eagerly wait for that hour when you will be seeking a final call letter. But alas, your prospective client haven’t heard back. Your dreams are shattered and disappointment entails the rejection. Most often, such disheartening feedback occurs when recruiters are reporting to HRs and not directly to the hiring managers.

To put it in a nutshell, the reasons that entail rejection are countless. And one would’ve probably come across a number of advices from wise man to overcome them all. It is more often recommended to sprinkle juicy keywords and give extra details of accomplishments in an effort to pluck your resume from the pile of documents to the top position. In recent competitive scenario, resume feedback comes to those who have an eye catching and web friendly resume-both. It is analogous to wheat, distinguishing it from lesser privileged stack of chaff. Contextualization, constituting experience, updated skill set, relevant qualifications, and latest advancements in career path parses out things matching vis-à-vis a job profile and show that you can walk the talk.  

Thursday 25 July 2013

Unable to Get Expected Salary

When Karuna Jha, 22, walked into ICICI Bank last month, she came across a high school classmate working as cashier in the bank. The unexpected encounter was just another reminder of embarrassment she had been going through since she passed graduation. The reason entailing her embarrassment was she could not find a decently paid job despite making it to a prestigious engineering institute. 

Low salary offer

When at college, Jha hoped that her labor and heavily paid institute would land her up at her dream firm with stratospherically high pay scale. But her 1st interview left her stranded as she was offered to work at top IT Company at meager income. Her salary expectation was at par compared to her qualification, expectation, work and a special mention for worth. This lass’s situation highlights an important issue. 

Freshers like Karuna and similarly inexperienced job seekers have been hit hard when it comes to pay scales and remunerations. Not only her, graduates since 2009 have earned an average starting salary of $12000, down from $15000 for the classes of 2006 and 2007. That’s because employers have been pickier than ever in lieu of a surplus candidates. Furthermore, many recent graduates are taking jobs below their skill level. 

If the present conditions prevail, there is likelihood of a further depression of wages of these recent college graduates during the next 10 to 15 years due to weakened economy.  Many know it, too. Nearly half of those employed recently are found to be satisfied with their present earnings, promotional aspects and opportunities for growth. Moreover, many are not being paid despite having decent qualifications and grade. Salaries are stagnant, under payment, no or less benefit has given vent to discouragement and demonization among the youth. The good jobs are very difficult to come by.  

Learning from their experiences, employees are going back to do an in depth and comprehensive enquiry of the salary range beforehand.  In an interesting trend, most of the large scale enterprises define salary bands of distinct range for varied roles and designations. Such info could be easily accessed at their websites and brochures. For big as well as small scale enterprises, the pay scale might be higher than market cash but decreased options and back up facilities. 

The basic salary is usually low but incentives encompass bonuses, stock options, healthcare and many more. For freshers or early start ups, such offers appear as mirage for all they want is a hefty cash and count. However, it is to be remembered that here is hardly any company wishing to invest money in external hiring and finally land up exploring that they can’t close on a prospective candidate just because of mismatched salary grounds.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Soft Skills: A Powerful Employability Predictor

A recent study provides perhaps the perfect evidence that soft skills metric can predict an employee’s prospects of getting selected in an interview. The research was nothing if not robust. A key finding of the study suggested that top employers are looking for the so called soft skills in the aspirants as the key deterrent for prospective job compatibility. Generally speaking, the skills include team spirit, managerial skills, spoken and written communication, adaptability and varied personality verticals. Academic Excellency has taken back seat as recruiters demand candidates who are good at interpersonal disciplines and not mere bookworms. 

“What the employers want is a well-rounded student,” says Jean Manning-Clark, director of the Colorado School of Mines’ career center. Carrying forward his point, he further added that the candidates grabbing 10 to 12 offers are more often good at soft skills and consequently, highly employable. To accomplish the purpose, companies nowadays are resorting to different strategies of contest arrangement, interactive sessions, problem solving presentations etc. for talent assessment.

Monday 22 July 2013

Indians to Dominate with Talent Surplus

According to survey reports of Oxford economics, India has a surplus talent pool of 7.3%. The statistics is higher than Brazil having an annual talent pool of 5.6%. The survey also indicates that the situation is reverse in developed countries where there is further speculation of slowdown in the workforce and relentless aging of its workforce in the years to come. 

Indian Students

Nevertheless, the economies that have reaped in the highest human potential by investment in education and increased labor participation will be the worst hit in the long run. Countries like US and Canada will top the list of G7 with an annual growth percent of 1.4 and 1.3% respectively. But this isn’t just the end of it; developing economies like India, Brazil and China own half of the world’s college graduates, comparatively high of industrialized countries of the world. Factually, among the top ten nations, eight boasting of their talent pools will include developing countries of India, Indonesia, Colombia and South Africa.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Smart Strategies for Helping Your Friend with Job Search

When friends need help, our normal instinct is to do whatever we can to “fix” the problem. But, when it comes to something as big, personal and stressful as looking for a new job, this isn’t always the best approach. Instead it takes listening to them, understanding where they are in the process, and employing a lot of tact.

1. Listen First

Always keep in mind that you are not their job consultant. You should first allow them to give vent to their frustration or express their concern uninterrupted. Then, follow up with questions to clearly understand if they are simply blowing off stream from a terrible day or really aiming for an organized job search. Furthermore, don’t make presumptions that your game plan fits your friend’s as well.

2. Assess Your Role

Getting pretty fair idea of what your friend’s looking for, don’t start rattling off ideas and suggestions just yet. Notice the look on their face to make sure you aren’t running the train.

You can offer a couple of suggestions which can incorporate:
a. Brainstorming lists of friends or jacks.
b. Introducing your previous recruiters.
c. Passing information about the jobs you’ve come across lately or in the recent past.
d. Refer their resume to all the prospective employers.

3. Outsourcing Job hunt

You can also offer direct help by recommending your friend to specific people who might be useful and introducing to a hiring manager. However, a word of caution would be you’ve to be in a remotely related field and see if you could vouch for the person’s efficiency and professionalism. This is because the recommendation will be a direct reflection on you.

4. Manage Expectations

Most importantly, give an in-depth thought to what you desire to do to help your friend and what’s the ground reality of accomplishing your willingness. Be careful not to over promise. It raises their expectations, put you in an outwardly awkward situation, increases the risk of failure and leaves a negative impression all around.

5. Never personalize the commitment

You should always remember that if your friend is not informing you on his advancements, you need not feel offended at all. The job hunting process may be long, painstaking and he may not be at the same pace than you would’ve expected.

As an overall and fine note, just be there when they need you, and don’t forget- your role may be reversed somewhere down the line.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Tips to Improve English Speaking Skills

It is an established fact that English is a key that unlocks doors to opportunities. Unfortunately, if you can write English but cannot speak it fluently, you are like a blind being on the street. You lose precious opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the world because you cannot socialize interact; learn about culture, people and life. You are kept inside the dark.

However, through correct practice and little extra effort, you can soon excel at English speaking. Earlier, Aman Chadda has also revealed some useful tips for improving English communication. Here, we present a mini guide enclosing tips you can incorporate in your daily life to expertise effective English speaking.

English Learning

1. Observe Mouth Movements

Proper pronunciation leads to improvement in listening comprehension. Observe the mouth movement of those speaking English effectively and try and imitate the intonation and rhythm of their speech. The reason lies in the fact that speaking any language has its own distinct way of muscular development. Learning proper English pronunciation includes excelling its unique style and sound. Mastering this skill is very much similar to taking music or singing lessons. Unfortunately, most foreign speakers never learn to create this melody and rhythm, and therefore, they go through life speaking English at an incorrect pace and style and/or in a dull or flat monotone.

In addition, it raises awareness on how you are correctly saying every word and draw comparison with the native English speaker. The exercise will furthermore be useful in recognizing areas like, where to stress a word, correct vowel sounds and in understanding the apt placement of lips, tongue etc.

2. Active Listening

Listening is one of the core skills of language acquisition. Listening and reading are the transitive and receptive skills. For English language learners, listening is vital because it enriches their vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, spoken word order as well as the stress pattern of words and phrases, which having heard from the speaker, they can catapulted for their own use later on. Not only this, the listener picks up vital clues- consciously and subs consciously about what constitutes idiomatic spoken English.

3. Dictionary Usage

A dictionary is a very important tool for someone who is learning a new language. It aids you in finding the correct meaning of English words and finding the correct spelling.  The letters of alphabets can be a poor guide to communication. In contrast, phonemic symbols are mostly reliable guide. You can familiarize yourself with the phonemic symbols of your dictionary and jot them down for future reference. An important word of caution would be you have to be wise in selecting the words to be traced in the dictionary else you will spend the whole day with dictionary in your hand.

4. Read aloud for 15 minutes everyday

If you have ever attended English classes, you have probably been asked to skim a text. Reading in such a way not only isn’t very useful but may also speed up your progress! However, it is to be mentioned that the content you read excites you. Thus, it doesn’t have to be a convoluted novel. It trains your muscles and helps develop language intuition. When you read a lot paying attention to useful vocabulary, you soon start to use new words and phrases in your everyday conversations.

Winding up, be patient while practicing the above mentioned tips for the change wouldn’t occur overnight. If one wants to speak English well, he must not have the foolish man’s support but the wise man’s method.

Monday 15 July 2013

Why English is Important?

As the lingua franca of today’s modern world, English is without a doubt the actual universal language. While English may not be the official language everywhere, it is most widely used in communicating around. It has been found that the two terminologies viz. English and communication are closely interrelated and must be always together.


Good communication creates a good ambiance, healthy relationship in any organization ranging from business to education. And therefore has earned the status of “the most valued skill” and a key selling point for growing business ventures. Big and small enterprises, both here and abroad, are now looking for proficient English language skills among potential employees. This is being done to make their manpower more qualitative and efficient. However, escaping the corporate recruitment English juggernaut is proving to be a herculean task for the young aspirants.

It is disappointing to note that even the students nowadays are practicing effective communication in the most improper way. The problem is more significant for those who cannot afford to be upgraded in tertiary levels. Of course, they apply for jobs to make a living but poor language skills devoid them this opportunity.

For high quality jobs, corporate require good understanding ability and speaking in English. It aids the employee in gathering information from foreign sources and websites, can easily open out to other countries, expand their bossiness’s and consequently prove to be an asset in the long run. In addition, many high quality jobs are concerned with international communication and worldwide data sharing. English language skills facilitate the above mentioned personnel’s.

All in all, if one wants to follow trends, new gadgets and technology, modernization of the developing world, one needs to know English communication whatever age they are in.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Job Fitment Trivia

“You weren’t the best fit for this position”. Disappointed job seekers, who ask employers why they weren’t hired, often come across such questions. Best fit? What exactly does it convey?

In any workplace, the term viz. job fitment essentially refers to how an individual fits into company’s culture. Company culture may be defined in terms of values and behavior of work group. When the reason for rejection really is the fitment issue, decision makers may think you cannot do the job you are supposed to do the way they want and furthermore, they might not feel at ease with you. 

Job Fitment Trivia
The job fitment theory however postulates that a person’s personality traits will reveal insight as to adaptability within an organization. In practice, the job fitment criterion may be used to gauge integration with organizational competencies encompassing efficacy, motivation, influence and co-worker respect.  These competencies can be assessed using various tools like psychological tests, competency based interviews, situational analysis etc.

Another important aspect of job fitment is person environment fit, which is commonly abbreviated as PE fit. It is commonly defined as the degree to which individual characteristics matter. While personal characteristics may include an individual’s biological or physiological needs, values, goals, abilities or personality, environmental characteristics will comprise of domains like, job demand, cultural values, rewards etc.

The PE factor has important implication at the workplace and therefore it has always been a prominent theme in the field of industrial/ organizational psychology.   
The job fitment trivia has important implications for organizations because it is critical for them to establish and maintain ambient relation between people and their jobs. Companies use a substantial amount of resources when recruiting new employers and it is crucial for them to ensure that these new hires will accomplish the tasks they are thrust into.