Friday 23 August 2013

An Analysis of Education Quality in India

It is dismal to note that the senior advisor to top leader expressed his concerns over the deteriorating state of education in the country. Sam Pitroda, senior advisor to Manmohan Singh reported,” Leaving aside the top five percent universities, I feel the quality of education in India is pretty bad and I say it with a great deal of concern."  Pitroda quoted it at the eve of the first convocation of Presidency University. 

Sam Pitroda

The guy behind the telecom revolution further accused the central government and its inept policies responsible for the present education scenario. Carrying forward his point, he said, “How to think out of the box and restructure education? This is where mindset comes in... The mindset of government, the ministries and UGC (University Grants Commission) is just not changing fast enough... Some of these people are living in dark ages."  

He also appreciated government programmes viz, the right to information, public information, connectivity of the panchayats etc designed to democratize and revolutionize education.

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