Thursday 26 September 2013

America Dreads An Economic Doom Ahead Of Fallout In STEM Graduates

A bad news lines up for the American economy as the number of STEM graduates( science, technology, engineering and mathematics) have shortfall in the country. 

The reason for debate and concern entails is the outgrowing debts pegged at a staggering $1 trillion that are unpaid. The reports of Reuters, JP Morgan Chase state that in order to prevent any bankruptcy, banks have put a halt on issuing more student loans. The Chase’s student loans chief executive, Thasunda Duckett said,” “We just don’t see this as a market that we can significantly grow.”

However, the matter of concern is that a studies conducted by the Council of Graduate Schools and the Graduate Records Examination Board  depict that the global student enrollment in the graduate courses at America rose from 8% to 10% as compared to the average graduate population. Furthermore, the analysis of Change the Equation, office and administrative positions confront an unemployment ratio of 4:1.

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