Wednesday 11 September 2013

An Analysis Education Standards In The Country

A (Programme for International Student Assessment), commonly abbreviated as PISA was conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to evaluate 15 year old school students in its member nations. 


The test was taken to evaluate their performances in varied modules of mathematics, science and reading in the year 2009. India stood at 73 position out of a total of 74 nations that were assessed during the test. The last position was bagged by Kyrgystan. 

Amidst the present scenario whereby India strives to compete with China, it is dismal to note that the China bagged the first position in the  2009 PISA rankings. The representative state was chosen as Shanghai and interestingly it set new standards of academic excellence for students worldwide. Contrary to this, India backed out of 2012 PISA test asserting that the testing modules are not compatible to what our students are being delivered in at schools. 

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